Drinks high in antioxidants can help the body fight off disease. These beverages are loaded with vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system. Lemons, on the other hand, are great for cleansing the liver. They contain a high amount of vitamin C and can aid digestion. Mix lemon juice with water for a healthy beverage.
Water can be made more interesting and tasty by adding natural botanical extracts, probiotics, and other nutritional ingredients. Today’s enhanced waters come with fruity or herbal aromas, are sugar free, and can help rehydrate your body. They can also boost your mood. Drinks high in antioxidants can be a healthy choice for the whole family.
Sodas are high in sugar and artificial ingredients, and aren’t considered healthy. Even diet soda has preservatives and artificial flavors. Drinks containing artificial flavors may contain up to 700 calories. For added flavor, you can choose flavored water or sparkling water. However, don’t forget to avoid packaged fruit drinks, as many of them are loaded with sugar and other additives.
Green tea is one of the healthiest drinks on earth. Studies have shown that green tea can improve the brain’s function and reduce blood sugar levels. Different types of tea also have different antioxidant levels, so be sure to read the label. Another healthy drink is beetroot juice, which contains many essential vitamins and minerals. Besides antioxidants, beetroot juice is rich in potassium, manganese, and iron.